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Write For Us

Contribute to Football Fanatix: Join our team of passionate football writers!

Share your passion for football

At Football Fanatix, we’re more than just a news site; we’re a community of fans and writers passionate about the beautiful game. Whether you love analysing matches, sharing opinions, or uncovering the latest football rumours, we offer a platform to showcase your talents and insights to football fans worldwide.

Why write for us?

Your articles will be credited to you, providing a valuable addition to your writing portfolio. While we don’t offer financial compensation, contributing to Football Fanatix is an excellent way to gain exposure, improve your writing skills, and become a recognized name among football enthusiasts.

Contribute and grow with us

While we are passionate about giving writers a platform to share their insights and stories, it’s important to note that we are currently unable to offer financial compensation for submissions. However, contributing to Football Fanatix allows you to gain exposure, enhance your writing portfolio, and engage with a global community of football fans.

Join our talented team

If you have compelling insights, match reports, or football stories to share, we want to hear from you! Submit your work samples through our contact form and take the first step towards becoming a Football Fanatix contributor.

We’re excited to welcome new voices to our platform and grow together as a destination for football fans from all corners of the globe.